Speakers NEW!!! > Ouffa Souheyla

TVD WAF scheme with PVRS Riemann Solver for the Drift-Flux Equations of Two-Phase Flows under Isothermal conditions
Souheyla Ouffa  1, *@  , Djamila Seba  1, *@  
1 : Laboratory of Dynamic of Engines and Vibroacoustic University M'hamed Bougara of Boumerdes, Algeria  -  Website
* : Corresponding author

This paper concentrated on the extension of the TVD version of Weighted Average Flux (WAF) scheme for the numerical simulation of two-phase gas-liquid flow for drift-flux model under isotermal condition. The model becomes a hyperbolic system of conservation laws with realistic closure relations where both phases are strongly coupled during their motion. Based on a PVRS Riemann solver for the drift-flux model, the model is numerically solved by the WAF scheme. The accuracy of the proposed numerical algorithm is verified by comparing it with other numerical methods compared to the exact solutions through a set of different test cases mentioned in the literature [3]. Simulation results appear appropriate agreement of tvd WAF scheme together with the exact solutions. we note that the behaviour of WAF scheme is encouraging, more accurate and fast than other numerical methods.

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