Welcome to ICMA'2021 - Blida!


The International Conference on Mathematics and Applications (ICMA'2021) is an online event that will bring together professors, researchers, scholars and students in the field of Pure and Applied Mathematics from both academia and industry. This Conference will cover topics on Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Statistics, Operational research, Applied Mathematics, Modelling, and related fields. The conference is an ideal platform for exchanging the latest research results and the evaluation of emerging technologies for researchers, practitioners, and professionals from across the globe. ICMA'2021 will host talks by renowned speakers and oral presentations related to the topics dealt with the Scientific Program.


Authors are invited to prepare extended abstracts or full papers, prepared in Latex format using the ICMA'2021 style file. All papers must be written in English, and should be at least 4 pages in length, including figures and references. Papers must be submitted in electronic form (PDF format) using the following link

Submissions closed


Accepted original papers will be included in the ICMA'2021 Post Proceeding. Authors of selected papers from icma 2021 will be invited to submit an extended and improved version in proposed journals.

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