Speakers NEW!!! > Benseradj Hassiba

Exact Asymptotic Errors and Bandwidth Selection for M-estimation under Truncated-Censored and Dependent Data
Hassiba Benseradj  1, *@  , Zohra Guessoum  2@  
1 : Faculty of sciences, University of Boumerdes UMBB  -  Website
2 : Lab MSTD, Faculty of Mathematics, USTHB  -  Website
* : Corresponding author

This work is concerned with the problem of selecting an appropriate bandwidth, for the M-estimator of the robust regression function from left truncated and right censored (LTRC) data, under strong mixing condition. We provide an asymptotic expression for the mean squared error (MSE) of this estimator. As a consequence, a bandwidth selector based on plug-in ideas is introduced. A simulation study is investigated to examine the practical performance of the method.

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