Existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions to a delay hematopoiesis model
Ahlème Bouakkaz  1@  , Rabah Khemis  2@  
1 : University of 20 august 1955-skikda  -  Website
Laboratory of mathematics and history and didactics of mathematics (LAMAHIS) -  Algeria
2 : University of 20 august 1955-skikda  -  Website
Laboratory of mathematics and history and didactics of mathematics (LAMAHIS) -  Algeria

This work aims to investigate a delay hematopoiesis model where the delay depends on both the time and the current density of mature blood cells. Based on the Banach contraction principle, the Schauder's fixed point theorem and some properties of a Green's function, we establish several interesting existence and uniqueness results of positive periodic solutions for the proposed model. The derived results are new and generalize some previous studies.

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