Speakers NEW!!! > Boukeloua Mohamed

Strong consistency of a conditional mode estimator in the presence of doubly censored data
Hadjer Benchoulak  1@  , Mohamed Boukeloua  1, 2, *@  , Fatiha Messaci  1@  
1 : Laboratoire de mathématiques et Sciences de la décision, Université Frères Mentouri Constantine 1  -  Website
Route d'Ain el Bey, 25017 Constantine -  Algeria
2 : Ecole Nationale Polytechnique de Constantine  -  Website
BP 75, A, Nouvelle ville RP Constantine -  Algeria
* : Corresponding author

In this work, we study a double kernel conditional density and a conditional mode estimators
when the response variable is doubly censored. We establish the uniform strong consistency
of the conditional density estimator and its derivatives. Then, we deduce the uniform strong
consistency of the conditional mode estimator that results. Finally, we illustrate the quality of the
estimation through a simulation study.

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